Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baseball and Prayer

It is one of my favorite times of the year, Springtime and baseball. As a kid, I couldn't wait for Spring to bounce a baseball off of a wall, or whack it into oblivion! I once received a nice Wilson softball at Christmas time, went outside in the cold and promptly lost it in the woods with one crack of the bat. I found the ball, what was left of it, years later.

When I finally played organized baseball, I don't remember praying to get a hit, but hoping I wouldn't strike out! Today's baseball players cross themselves as they step into the batter's box and celebrate by pointing to God in the sky with a homerun or winning run scored. I am not sure what I make of all the celebration is all sports these days. I suppose there is indeed joy in all of sports.

Years ago I came upon "The Baseball Prayer." I do not know the author. However, the prayer is very unique. "Almighty Father, you who are called the "Mighty Umpire" in this game of life, we are not sure what uniform we should wear. While we may be Angels in spirit, in reality we are Giants in pride, Dodgers of reponsibility and Tigers in ambition. When it comes to faith, we find ourselves in the minor leagues. When it comes to good works, we strike out; when it comes to knowledge of your Word, we are not even sure of the ground rules. Therefore, we are thankful for your mercy when we find ourselves in foul territory; for your forgiveness when we commit one error after another; for your uplifting spirit when we find ourselves in the pitfalls of a slump. Dear God, may our game plan be your will and our response a sellout crowd with standing room only. And when our number is retired here on earth, may we rejoice to hear you call out, "Safe" in his name who gives final victory to all who believe. Amen." (copied)

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