Saturday, March 15, 2008

Men's ministry

The first Sunday I visited Grace United Methodist Church I asked pastor Dave Ragula, if there was a men's group that met regularly. He said no but challanged me to start one. I am a little slow on the up take, it took a year and a Promise Keepers Conferance to light my fire. It was obvious that there was a need, so with the help from some of the other men of the Church, we began testing the waters. It is now almost 2 years later and the water is just fine thanks. The men are dedicated to the idea that the father/husband should be the spiritual leader of the family. He can only be that leader if he is a man of integrity. We find our inspiritation and direction at the foot of the Cross. Our group meets in the chapel off the sanctuary during sunday school ( 9:30-10:30 ) each Sunday. This year we have been studying Patrick Morley's "Man in the Mirror". All are welcome (we have even had a few girls set in and share with us.)
If you are interested come on in.
David Johnson

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